About Us


We supply high quality and versatile service to all our clients. We make continuous improvements to our services and people – A prime factor in our continual success. We operate an open and honest relationship with all of our clients and this includes in setting project goals and objectives. Our extensive design experience allows us to  develop the clients’ performance requirements after detailed discussions regarding the project on ground. We strive to ensure all our projects are completed within the stipulated and agreed time frame, to precise standards and within budget. We have vast engineering experiences covering different regions, thus earning VINTAGE POWERCARE LIMITED core and repeat business in many sectors of our current business

Our Mission

At Vintage Powercare Limited, we  create value for clients by providing exceptional engineering service while using a professional approach.

We strive to deliver superior quality products and projects to our clients while meeting budget and schedule goals.


Our Vision

To strive for the global market and be widely recognized within the entire polity for our continued commitment to customer service and client satisfaction.

Core Values

Consider honesty as the key to a business’ trustworthiness and integrity.

Problem Solving

Always do the right thing to solve the Client’s Power Problems.


Perform all work with the highest level of excellence in mind.

Why Choose Us?

We show you our appreciation by going above and beyond, ensuring a flawless experience. We can be your top choice today!


Colleagues & Counting


Successfully completed Projects


Year of experience


Committed To Keep solving Power Engineering Problems.

We Follow Best Practices

At Vintage Powercare limited, we make sure we follow the best practices when it comes to excecuting projects.

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